Image Overlay places an image (taken with the Image Capture function or manually placed from a computer onto the SD card) directly on top of your footage - very useful for judging shot continuity, particularly when using the built-in 'blink' feature.
Image Overlay - Settings
Access Image Overlay tool settings menu by navigating right or pressing the right arrow when Image Overlay is highlighted in the tool list.
Toggles display of the currently selected Image Capture. You can also do this on the tool bar. Select the tool and activate or deactivate it as desired. Green tools are active, they are Grey when inactive.
Set the transparency/opacity of the Image Overlay.
Blink Speed
Blinks the overlaid image at a speed of your choosing. Leaving this at zero disables the Blink functionality. Speed of 1 = on for 2 seconds, off for 2 seconds. Speed of 10 = on and off 2x per second.
Use Latest Capture
Displays the latest Image Capture automatically, even as a new one is taken.
Turning off this option will open the Choose Image option.
Navigate to the image you wish to use, select and confirm and the image name will appear on the tool panel.
Image Overlay - Quick Start
In this section we will add an Image Overlay to a page to help us shot-match.
Having already used the Image Capture function to take a snapshot of our scene, we can now use Image Overlay to display that snapshot back on top of our footage.
From any page with a feed, click the joystick or tap the screen to bring up ‘Add New Tool’
Navigate to Overlay > Image Overlay and click on the '+' to add it to the current page.

By default Image Overlay displays the latest snapshot taken with Image Capture at 50% opacity.
You can edit the settings by navigating right with a joystick or tapping the right arrow on a touchscreen when ‘Image Overlay’ is highlighted.
If you wish to overlay a different image, disable 'USE LATEST CAPTURE' and select 'CHOOSE IMAGE'

If you wish to overlay an image from a computer, first ensure it is in .jpg format and save it anywhere to the SD card. You can select it with CHOOSE IMAGE [above]
If we then dial up BLINK SPEED the monitor will flash alternately between the live feed and the Image Capture, offering a very clear view of how to fix the shot.

Increasing the OPACITY gives us a clearer distinction between the two images when blinking (if not set to blink, this will make the overlaid image completely opaque, covering the underlying feed)

With Image Overlay blinking, we now have a straightforward means of matching the original placement of characters on screen!