Places a crosshair reticule in the center of your image; great reference point on shoots when symmetry or panning accuracy is an important part of the composition.
*You will need a video signal to use most tools.
Crosshair - Settings
Enable/Disables the Crosshair. This can also be done on the tool bar by selecting the the tool and activating or deactivating it. Active tools are green, inactive are grey.
You have three choices:
Define the color of the Crosshair for better visibility depending on your shot.
Choose the size of the Crosshair to taste for your preferred balance of visibility and cleanliness.
Sets the transparency/opacity of the crosshair.
Crosshair - Quick Start
From any page, click the joystick or tap the screen to bring up ‘Add New Tool’ and navigate to Frame > Crosshair and select to add it to the current page.
A crosshair will be placed on your image. You can edit the settings by navigating right when ‘Crosshair’ is highlighted.