Miscellaneous settings we had a hard time categorizing :)

Control output volume of the 1/8” stereo port and internal speakers if applicable.
Headphone Volume

Adjusts the output of the 1/8” stereo mini port
Speaker Volume
Only available on SmallHD Production Monitors

If using a monitor with speakers (Production Monitors 13” and up), adjust their output volume here.
Image Rotate Settings

Use this section to rotate/flip the image and/or menu to enable operation from a funny angle.
Auto Flip Image

Depending on how your monitor is oriented (portrait, upside down) select this to automatically flip the displayed image, similar to a smartphone.
Rotate Image

This will rotate the displayed image 180° bypassing any automatic functionality
Mirror Image

Mirrors the image horizontally, useful when pointed towards the talent/scene for more intuitive framing.
Match Menu to Video

For situations with an upside-down camera - low mode on a stabilizer for example - use this option to rotate the image and not the menu.
The following options become available when "MATCH MENU TO VIDEO” is disabled.
Auto Flip Menu

This option keeps the menu right-side up regardless if the image itself is set to rotate.
Rotate Image

If you wish to explicitly flip the menu independently of the image select this option. (disables auto rotation)
Mirror Menu

For the one person who needs to view and operate the monitor through a mirror but keeping the image itself un-flipped, congratulations this option is for you :-)
This is basically a digital crop zoom for older cameras that output a 4x3 frame at lower resolutions.
Our monitors prefer a progressive image. With Interlaced images, we select either Even or ODD fields to view. The BOB and WEAVE selections choose between this. The terms are referring to fix how the footage is behaving. When using an Interlaced (i) signal, try switching between bob or weave if you are having issues.
*We also recommend that you change the cameras output setting to a 1080 p signal (if possible). You can record in your desired format and this will yield your best results for monitoring the image.
Anamorphic Settings
Anamorphic de-squeeze moved from the Settings to a Tool beginning in firmware version 3.5.0. This tool has more flexibility than the older setting. If you don't see this setting, check under Tools > Scale. If you'd like to take advantage of these new features, we recommend updating your firmware.

If using anamorphic lenses which squeeze the picture horizontally, the following options will ‘de-squeeze’ your image, stretching it out horizontally.
1X (off)

This option performs no image de-squeeze - for use with non-anamorphic lenses.

Use to de-squeeze anamorphic footage using lenses or adapters with a 1.33X squeeze factor.

Use to de-squeeze anamorphic footage using lenses or adapters with a 1.5X squeeze factor.

Use to de-squeeze anamorphic footage using lenses or adapters with a 1.66X squeeze factor.

Use to de-squeeze anamorphic footage using lenses or adapters with a 2X squeeze factor.
DSLR Scale Settings

For older Canon DLSRs that like to output a cropped image over HDMI, use these options to ‘un-crop’ for a fullscreen view.
None (no scaling)

Disables DSLR Scale.
Canon 5D Mark II

Scales the HDMI feed from a Canon 5DMKII to fill the screen properly.
Canon 7D

Scales the HDMI feed from a Canon 7D to fill the screen properly.