Settings related to monitor personalization.
Your monitor has a default backdrop. This is what will show when there is no signal on your monitor.
You can have this turned on or off (which will display NO SIGNAL over a black background) or you can load your own custom backdrop.
To load a custom file, select the custom checkbock and then custom file "..." This will allow you to load a file form your SD card.
*We recommend making the custom file the same resolution as the panel for best results.

This section is for controlling user-definable power options.
Auto Recover
Automatically turns the monitor back on after a power loss.
Date & Time

Use this menu to adjust the current date & time - this will keep you organized when taking screen captures by using a date in the file name.
Sets the month/day/year.
Sets the current time.
24H Display
Displays the clock in a 00:00 to 24:00 format, known commonly as 'military time' which makes 12am and 12pm slightly less confusing.
This feature is available in firmware 3.6+
This setting will allow you to give your monitor a specific name. You can have 19 alpha numeric character or symbols.
*If desired, this is where you could record your Serial Number incase you lose the sticker or if you have a number of units there there is an internal ID system that you use for inventory.
Profiles [Settings]

Save and load profiles between monitors to keep your monitor’s configuration consistent on set or between sets.
A profile will contain the settings on your pages, tools and most of the settings in your menus. It will not save the Calibration, appearance, date time, monitor ID or firmware.
Profile Name:
The default will be Config, you can change this if desired.
Save Profile to Storage
Saves a profile files, with the name selected name onto your SD card.
Load Profile from Storage
Load a saved profile from internal memory or SD card to keep from having to reconfigure all your settings, pages and tools if moving from monitor to monitor. To load a profile, select load profile, and then navigate to the file and select it.