Update system firmware or reset to factory defaults.
Firmware Settings

Go to this section to update & manage your firmware via SD card.
If no SD card or update files is recognized, it will tell you your current Firmware version.

Once an SD card with an appropriate file(s) is inserted into the monitor, it will give you the files firmware version and your current one.
Selecting this option will update your firmware to the version contained on your SD card (if any).
*When doing a firmware update, be sure not to lose power during the process. If you do, the firmware will not boot in many cases, and if this happens, you will need to reach out to [email protected]
The latest SmallHD firmware is always available from smallhd.com/pages/software. To apply the update, unzip the file, drop the resulting .bin file right onto the main directory of your SD card, plug it into the monitor and select this option to perform the update.
Factory Reset Settings

Go to this section to reset the monitor’s pages & settings to how it was when it came out of the box.
Execute Factory Reset
Select this option to reset the monitor to its factory default settings.
A default factory reset will reset all settings in the menus and pages data. It will keep the firmware, calibration file and registration information. You can reset these also, if you select the appropriate box.
Factory Reset is useful when swapping between different users or when encountering issues that may be a result of fiddling around with unfamiliar settings of if there has been a lot of issues. Reloading the firmware, or updating to the lasted stable version are also ways to troubleshoot issues. ;-)