Settings that affect the output of the display can be found here such as backlight adjustment & auto calibration.
Individual options dependent on monitor model.
Backlight Settings

Set up and fine-tune the brightness of the LED backlight.

This option enables adjustment of the backlight up to its maximum limit within the specified color space.

If you are in a studio or other low-light environment, use this option to limit the backlight to 100 nits which enables a fine-tune adjustment within that range.
*Some monitors will default to Studio Brightness if the power source (voltage) is low to help save energy. Change power sources to allow for Full Backlight capabilities.

Adjusts the actual output of the backlight or in the case of OLED adjusts the maximum pixel brightness.
*OLED panels do not DIM the same as an LCD, be aware adjusting the brightness of an OLED will affect its performance.
Calibration Settings

Your monitor ships calibrated from the factory with selectable calibration colorspace LUTs depending on how you may want to display your image, for example DCI color space for cinema projection or Rec. 2020 for HDR production (available on select monitors).
Auto-calibration can be performed here to account for long-term color drift by using a compatible calibration puck on select monitors. This will automatically set the gamma and white point to ensure your monitor is perfectly displaying its intended color space.
More information about Panel Calibration is located here.
Enable Calibration LUT

This turns on or off the current Calibration LUT.
*You will want to disable the Calibration LUT when making a new one/ calibrating the monitor.
Calibration LUT

If you already have a saved calibration LUT you wish to use, you can browse your SD card and apply it here. Once a LUT is loaded onto the monitor it will save it to the hardware.
*Doing a factory reset on the calibration will reapply the factory LUT that came with the monitor.
Targeted Color Space:

(not editable) Lists the color space that your monitor is currently displaying post-calibration.
*This is set during the calibration process, if using an intermediary, you can select a different colorspace.
Targeted White Point:

(not editable) Lists the white point that your monitor is currently displaying post-calibration.
*This is set during the calibration process, if using an intermediary, you can select a different whitepoint, we recommend using D65.
Reset Calibration LUT

Reverts to the factory calibration LUT that is shipped with the monitor.
Run Auto-Calibration (On select models)

Automatically sets the white point and gamma of your monitor by using a compatible color calibration probe. Results may vary.
*This is not available on all monitors. Results may vary. Run the Auto Calibration at your own risk.
Appearance Settings

This menu allows you to directly alter the display's RGB output post-calibration if adjustments need to be made to match a lesser monitor on set.
This menu directly affects (and can therefore negate) the extensive calibration capability of the monitor - modify at your own risk.
This does not affect output or pass though signals.
Gamma Shift

Adjusts the gamma curve being applied to the final output.

Adjusts the intensity of edge detection. See Peaking for a more user-friendly version of this.
Contrast, Brightness, Saturation (Con,Brt,Sat)

Standard Contrast, Brightness and Saturation controls.
Red, Green, Blue Gain (RGB Gain)

Adjusts the Gain or Contrast of the Red, Green and Blue channels individually.
Red, Green, Blue Offset (RGB Offset)

Adjusts the amount of offset for Red, Green and Blue color channels.